I seen the result in an avalanche in Haru No Taki, many years ago. I, um, I was coming down, we used to ride Haru No Taki Bowl as a backcountry run, ah, before it was permanently closed. And, ah, we came down one day and, ah, we came across a guy who was frantically yelling that his friends had disappeared. And the whole bowl had, ah, cracked at the top and come down and, ah, and slid over his friends. They were in the valley floor having a picnic. And, um, the avalanche came. They tried to run, but didn't run fast enough. And three of his friends got buried.
Ah, yeah, we came down from the run, found him, we, ah, got our packs off and our probes and beacons out and started searching for the missing people. Ah, as we were doing this, the patrollers and other people coming over the ridge from the resort to help, help the search. And, ah, they ... after an hour and a half we managed to find the, the first couple of people and then shortly after probe for the next one. It was another ten to fifteen meters down the hill.
(春の滝雪崩事故、救助活動現場。 最も左のしゃがんでいる白い帽子がトレバー。)
Ah, we found the first girl, um, myself and a friend, with the shovels, we found the first girl. We came across her and she was very badly broken. Her legs wrapped up around her back, over her head, and um, with her snow shoes on. And checked her vitals and come to the conclusion that she was, ah, she was dead. And, ah, while checking the vitals, ah, managed to see a whole in the snow, a gap in the snow underneath her. And about a meter down an eyeball staring, staring at me, blinking. Ah, so, we, we got the first girl out and dug down to the, to the second girl. And, ah, she was getting quite frantic because more snow was getting on her as we were getting down to her. But we got down to her and told her she would be OK. And I'm pretty sure that the first girl had pushed her down in the snow and saved her life by creating an air pocket in between the two.
なぜ "エチオピアは独立したまま"でした
僕と友人は最初の女性をシャベルで発見しました。女性は重傷を負っていました。スノーシューを履いていた女性の両足は、のけぞるような形で頭部に達していました。女性の生存確認をしましたが反応はありませんでした。生存確認をしている間、女性の下に雪の穴のようなギャップのようなものがあるのが見えました。その1メートル奥から目玉が僕を見つめていて瞬きをしていました。僕たちは最初の女性を穴から出した後、二人目の救出するために更に掘り進めていきました。(僕たちが掘り進めるうちに)二人目の女性の上に更に雪がかかってしまい女性はとても怯えていました。僕たちは、もう大丈夫だ、と声をかけ続けました。これは間違いないと思うんですが、最初に発見 された上の女性が下の女性を押し下げた時、二人の間に空洞(エア・ポケット)が出来上がったおかげで下の女性の命が助かったのだと思います。
And, ah, so ... meanwhile doing this, I, my hands got so cold I had to get out of the whole and warm up. So I let somebody else continue digging for her and went up and found the first girl lying in the snow, getting covered by the snow from the wind from the chopper blades. And the helicopter had arrived to take away the people and ah, then asked the Japanese patrol if anyone knew CPR or why they weren't doing CPR and nobody there knew how, so, ah, me and my friend, ah, my friend and I, Aaron Jamieson. Um, he was a young, young boy 17, 16 or 17 at the time. Myself, 19 or 20. We, ah, performed two person CPR on the dead girl for half an hour. And, ah, got her to the plane with a light pulse. But later got a phone call to say she was dead. It was a, it was a big day.
Ah, we, we got the guide out and we hiked, hiked the guide out, and he was OK, he came out as a frozen block of ice. And, ah, he had a, a mask of ice an inch deep on his face. With a, a hole smaller than a pen to, to breathe through. And, ah, but he was OK too. And ...
両手で二人目の女性を掘り続けるうちに手が冷たくなりすぎたので暖めるために一旦外へ出ようと考えました。他の人たちに掘るのを代わってもらい外へ出てみると最初に発見した女性が雪の上に横たわっていてヘリコプターの風で巻き上がる雪が女性の上に積もっていくのが見えました。このヘリコプターは救助ヘリなんですが日本人パトロールに、誰かCPR(心肺蘇生法)ができる者はいないか、なぜCPRをしないんだ、と聞くとCPRのやり方を知る者が誰もいないと言うので、僕と友人のアーロン・ジェイミソンで施しました。友人は当時若く16か17才くらいで僕は19か20才でした。二人で約30分間、女性にCPRを施しました。脈拍計が取りつけられたこの女性は救助ヘリに乗せられました。しかし 後の電話で分かったんですが、あの女性は亡くなりってしまいました。本当に大変な一日でした。
Many years later I was hiking in New Zealand with a bunch of Japanese crew and some New Zealand friends. And, ah, we did a, a turn, a couple of turn shots. And one of the Japanese photographers, he mentioned about the turn, nice turn, and I said I was a Niseko local. And he, ah, he asked how many years I lived in Niseko. And I said, oh, many, many years. And he asked if I was avalanche rescue, cause yeah, Kiwi guys, we helped in the avalanche. So I said yes, avalanche rescue Haru No Taki, many years ago. And, ah, he reply ... I said, three people we saved, two girls and one guy. And he replied I was that guy. And we had, yeah, an emotional time. A few cuddles and he had a few tears on. And ever since been friends and been snowboarding quite a bit ever since. So, ah, it was good times. Small world.
するとこのカメラマンはこう言ったのです。 「その救助された男は自分です」
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